What is Liposuction?

There are many people maybe including you, who are fed up with having fat deposits on their bodies. They have tried many ways to lose their fat but in vain. Surprisingly people are not able to lose weight even by going for exercise and diet. One option left is liposuction, but the question is whether it is the right procedure for you. This blog will help you to understand the procedure of liposuction and how it works. Read on!

What is Liposuction Surgery?

Liposuction, also referred to as lipoplasty, lipo or body contouring, is a cosmetic fat removal method. It can permanently eliminate fat cells (adipocytes) from specific areas of your body that needs improvement. Those particular areas include the neck, arms, shoulders, hips, thighs, buttocks, or abdomen. The procedure is usually recommended when fat deposits don’t respond to diet and exercise. However, Liposuction surgery isn’t often seen as an all-encompassing weight-loss technique or a weight-loss substitute.

Who can undergo Liposuction surgery?

Candidates that are eligible for liposuction surgery include

  • Adults with weights that are typical or somewhat over average.
  • People with well-toned muscles and firm skin that is elastic (rich in the protein elastin).
  • Adults in generally good health.
  • Individuals with localised fat deposits that don’t respond well to diet and exercise.
  • Nonsmokers.
  • People who have reasonable expectations for the procedure’s results.

Before prescribing therapy, healthcare professionals assess patients’ common qualifications. If liposuction is the best option for you, your doctor will let you know.

Who performs Liposuction surgery?

A plastic surgeon carries out liposuction. Choose a plastic surgeon in Delhi who has had specialised training, has a lot of experience, and is board certified. The finest outcomes are often obtained from a plastic surgeon connected to a significant medical facility.

What happens during Liposuction surgery?

Only local or regional anaesthesia—a type of anaesthetic that only affects a specific part of your body—may be necessary for some liposuction procedures. In order to do other procedures, general anaesthesia, which causes a brief state of unconsciousness, may be necessary. A sedative may be administered to you to keep you quiet and comfortable, usually by an IV injection.

The surgical team will monitor your heart rate, blood pressure, and blood oxygen level at all times. Tell your surgeon if you receive local anaesthetic and have discomfort while undergoing the surgery. Adjustments may be required to the drug or movements.

Depending on how much fat is removed, the process might take up to several hours.

If you’ve undergone general anaesthesia, you’ll awaken in a recovery area. Usually, you’ll stay in the hospital or clinic for at least a few hours so that the staff can keep an eye on your healing. In order to ensure that you are not dehydrated or in shock from fluid loss, you may choose to spend the night in the hospital.


Liposuction can provide a long-term option for eliminating troublesome fat deposits. Talk to your healthcare practitioner about liposuction if you’ve tried diet and exercise but still have stubborn fat regions. By enhancing your body contour, the safe process may make you feel and look your best. To find the best plastic surgeons that are trained and experienced, visit celestiaaesthetica.


How much does Liposuction cost in India?

Depending on the amount of fat that has to be removed, the cost of liposuction surgery in India can be estimated to be between INR 20,000 and INR 5,00,000 or more.

Can obese people get liposuction?

The capacity to recuperate in a fair amount of time is the most significant consideration when doing liposuction treatments on extremely overweight individuals. However, you must speak with a professional to determine your best course of action.

What should I expect after liposuction surgery?

After the procedure, you may experience a little discomfort, bruising, redness, and swelling. In such cases, talk to your healthcare professional for the best course of action.

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